Multiple values in variable

Hi guys,

I have create a loop in my playbook to set multiple values for lvol and vg.
How I can write my ansible-playbook command with multiple values in a variable?

ansible-playbook data-fs.yml -i inventory -e vg_name=vg01,vg02 -e lv_name=lv01,lv02

  • name: Create LV’s
    vg: “{{ vg_name }}”
    lv: “{{ lv_name }}”

size: “{{ lv_size }}”

  • { vg: ’ {{ vg_name }}, lv: ‘{{ vg_name }}’ }


It's possible to put the extra variables into the lists and use the *zip*
filter. For example

    ansible-playbook data-fs.yml -e "{'vg_name': ['vg01','vg02']}" -e
    "{'lv_name': ['lv01', 'lv02']}"

    - name: Create LV's
        vg: "{{ item.0 }}"
        lv: "{{ item.1 }}"
        size: "{{ lv_size }}"
      loop: "{{ vg_name|default()|
                list }}"



Thanks for your feedback, work fine but I have change the syntax of the ansible-playbook command:

ansible-playbook data-fs.yml -e ‘{“vg_name”: [“vg0”,“vg02”]}’ -e ‘{“lv_name”: [“lv01”, “lv02”]}’

Last question: How to use the variable data_dir with this loop… or what is the correct syntax?

Name: mount Filesystem

  • mount:
    path: “{{ data_dir }}”
    src: /dev/mapper/{{ item.0 }}-{{ item.1 }}
    fstype: xfs
    state: mounted
    opts: default,nosuid,nodev,noexec
    loop: "{{ data_dir|default([])|{{ vg_name|default()|zip(lv_name|default()) | list }}

Thanks in advance for your help!

Thanks for your feedback, work fine but I have change the syntax of the
ansible-playbook command:
ansible-playbook data-fs.yml -e '{"vg_name": ["vg0","vg02"]}' -e
'{"lv_name": ["lv01", "lv02"]}'

It's possible to keep the command and *split* the arguments

    ansible-playbook data-fs.yml -e vg_name=vg01,vg02 -e lv_name=lv01,lv02

    - name: Create LV's
        vg: "{{ item.0 }}"
        lv: "{{ item.1 }}"
        size: "{{ lv_size }}"
      loop: "{{ vg_name.split(',')|
                list }}"

Last question: How to use the variable data_dir with this loop.. or what is
the correct syntax?

Name: mount Filesystem
  - mount:
      path: "{{ data_dir }}"
      src: /dev/mapper/{{ item.0 }}-{{ item.1 }}
      fstype: xfs
      state: mounted
      opts: default,nosuid,nodev,noexec
  loop: "*{{ data_dir|default()*|{{
vg_name|default()|zip(lv_name|default()) | list }}

The task below will mount the devices "/dev/mapper/vg01-lv01" and
"/dev/mapper/vg02-lv02" to the directory "/lv01" and "/lv02" respectively

    - mount:
        path: "/{{ item.1 }}"
        src: /dev/mapper/{{ item.0 }}-{{ item.1 }}
        fstype: xfs
        state: mounted
        opts: default,nosuid,nodev,noexec
      loop: "{{ vg_name.split(',')|
                list }}"

Try to describe where to mount the devices if this is not what you want.



Hi Vladimir,

Thanks a lot !!! It was what I want with the mount point!

My question was, how I can manage 3 variables in a loop? for example the chown file (path, user and group variable)

have a great day

Let's create a list of dictionaries and loop the list. For example

        - path: /scratch/project1/test1
          owner: admin
          group: admin
        - path: /scratch/project1/test2
          owner: admin
          group: admin

      - name: Create test files
          state: "{{ item.state|default('touch') }}"
          path: "{{ item.path }}"
          owner: "{{ item.owner|default(omit) }}"
          group: "{{|default(omit) }}"
        loop: "{{ my_files }}"

