Hostvar not working as expected

I know that I am just missing something, but I think that I have been staring at this too long to figure out what I am missing. I have the following in my host vars file:

certs: [ {
    csr_path: "/etc/pki/",
    common_name: "",
    san: ["*"],
    cert_path: "/etc/pki/",
    fullchain_dest: "/etc/pki/",
    chain_dest: "/etc/pki/"

and then I am trying to reference it in a task like:

- name: Generate CSR
    path: "{{ item['csr_path'] }}"
    private_key_path: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].private_key_path }}"
    common_name: "{{ item.common_name }}"
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: 0640
    subject_alt_name: "{{ item.san |default(omit) }}"
  loop: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['certs'] }}" 

and I am getting an error that things such as csr_path are undefined.

What you missing is the level.

- name: Generate CSR
    path: "{{ item['']['csr_path'] }}"  # or "{{ item[''].csr_path }}" 
    private_key_path: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname].private_key_path }}"
    common_name: "{{ item[''].common_name }}"
    owner: root
    group: root
    mode: 0640
    subject_alt_name: "{{ item[''].san |default(omit) }}"
  loop: "{{ hostvars[inventory_hostname]['certs'] }}" 
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Ok, so how can I loop that, since each machine could have more than one cert? I thought that using certs as the subscript for the hostvars would make the the “item”.

You’ve got a weird mix of yaml and json going on there. I started to mention that at first but didn’t want to confuse the issue. Your certs is exactly the same as

          csr_path: "/etc/pki/"
          common_name: ""
            - "*"
          cert_path: "/etc/pki/"
          fullchain_dest: "/etc/pki/"
          chain_dest: "/etc/pki/"

which I find easier to read, but you do you.
So "{{ certs[0].keys() }}" will give the single-element list: ['']. Maybe that’s what you want, but since you’ve got the same value in common_name maybe not? Maybe you want this:

      - csr_path: "/etc/pki/"
        common_name: ""
          - "*"
        cert_path: "/etc/pki/"
        fullchain_dest: "/etc/pki/"
        chain_dest: "/etc/pki/"
      - csr_path: "/etc/pki/"
        common_name: ""
          - "*"
        cert_path: "/etc/pki/"
        fullchain_dest: "/etc/pki/"
        chain_dest: "/etc/pki/"
      - [… another cert …]
      - [… and yet another cert …]
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That is what I want. Thank you! I knew that I stared at this too long and overthought the whole thing.

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hostvars[inventory_hostname] is an anti-pattern; variables from the inventory host should be accessed directly, since that’s the default source of variables.

  loop: "{{ certs }}"
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