My ansible version is 2.5.
In my playbook, one host needs to access other host’s variable which I defined in inventory file.
I used {{ hostvars[‘groupname’].var_name }} and get an error, I also tried to use {{ hostvars[‘groupname’][‘var_name’] }} which get an error also.
So, I want to be clear how to use hostvars to access another host variables defined in the inventory file?
You don't say what error you get?
In any case, you are trying to access hostvars for a group, which
isn't possible.
Instead, you need to access hostvars from a host.
So for a group, practically this is done by accessing the hostvars of
the first host of a group, like this:
Hi, thanks for your reply, I resolve this by using {{ hostvars[groups[‘groupname’][0]].var_name }}.
在 2019年9月9日星期一 UTC+8下午6:26:25,Dick Visser写道: