Help - generating a table of task results in ansible

Hello devs,

First time posting here, apologies if not the done thing or the wrong place to post.

I’m not looking for a fix to an issue I’ve run into, rather I’m interested to know whether a strategy I’m thinking about sounds feasible or not, and whether there’s any recommendations on better approaches… let’s say I’m on a fact finding mission.

Current state
I run some drift detection/correction & smoke tests from a scheduled ansible play, this play might include up to 20 tasks which get invoked by a main.yml. The schedule is run every hour against a few k8s clusters/endpoints/nodes by awx which posts a message via a slack webhook to tell me if the job ran or failed and posts some output too. The trouble is, I often have to look in awx or read some output, to tell me what happened when something went wrong.

That can take the form of stdout_lines, ansible output etc but always results in me having to look at some output.

Project Layout

├── ansible.cfg
├── inventory
│ ├── dev.all.aws_ec2.yaml
│ ├── staging.all.aws_ec2.yaml
│ └── prod.all.aws_ec2.yaml
├── playbooks
| ├── drift.yaml
│ └── smoke_tests.yaml
└── tasks
├── main.yaml
├── check_cluster_health_api.yaml
├── check_active_passive_cluster.yaml
├── check_dns.yaml
├── check_http_statuses.yaml
├── check_internet_connectivity.yaml
├── check_tcp_ports.yaml
├── check_kube_system_pods.yaml
├── check_etcd_cluster_health.yaml

Desired state
These tests already assert success or failure and if the job fails, I know some task failed. I’d like to capture the result of each task (say, 0 for success, 1 for fail), template something like an html table or ASCII table and then send that to slack instead.

What main looks like

Don't make the code more complex. Use ansible-runner to run the
projects and analyse the potential problems from outside

ansible-runner artifacts will provide you with all the details
See for example

FWIW. See the example of a script how to run projects via
ansible-runner and create simple log of what succeeded and failed

The idea is to run the script from cron and receive an email on
failures only. The log can be scanned manually or sent to an external
logging. If a playbook fails go to the ansible-runner artifacts and
find the details. Next step might be the automation of the artifacts'

See "Ansible Runner Usage Examples"