Generating Report After Executing Playbook Tasks

can you please help me to generate a final report after running playbook

I have different playbooks for execution and I want a single report file for all.

So that non-technical team can review the output.
Please tell if it is possible in CSV format.

Create a single playbook that includes the other ones.

That make sense but still any suggestion on generating report

I’ve done this by using a template. But I don’t have access to my work system to get you an example. I can get one later or over the weekend if you’d like.


That make sense but still any suggestion on generating report

You could give ARA a try:


Thanks, Harry

Please share one of them.
Have a nice weekend.
Appreciated :slight_smile:

Hello, Racke

can you please share an example code so that I can understand better
Thanks man


As i can see in document ara Sends playbook execution data to the ARA API internally or over HTTP
but I want output in control node so is there any way to do same

As i can see in document ara Sends playbook execution data to the ARA API internally or over HTTP
but I want output in control node so is there any way to do same

The output can be stored in a local database, see "ARA is offline and decentralized by default.".


If any example available it would be helpful

There was a talk about this at a London ansible meetup in 2019.

The speaker wrote a callback plugin to return CSV formatted ansible output. I think the PR got declined but you could write something similar for your use case.

Here’s a link to the talk:

Hi, Piya
thanks, link is so usefully,
in my case diff conditions are there, so I need demo code if available!