Seeking assistance with properly parsing returned json data, storing desired string as variable, to then append it in another play that updates a resource. Essentially I am interacting with Cisco ISE APIs to manage/update endpoint attributes. Overview of playbook:
-The first play is a GET query to provide me with a specific endpoint details
-The next play prints the returned output essentially showing the admin that everything is good thus far
-Then I extract the endpoint ID string using json_query and store it as a variable
-For peace of mind the following play prints the variable to show we have the ID string of the endpoint
-Then the last play I attempt to update the endpoint group assignment via appending the id string
I am stuck on the last play that appends the endpoint id string. Play using json_query:
- name: Get ISE ID String
id: “{{ endpoint_id | json_query(jmesquery) }}”
jmesquery: ‘.SearchResult.resources[].id’
Tower output showing how the id string is being appended:
“status”: 400, “url”: “https://xx.xx.xx.xx:9060/ers/config/endpoint/[[u’69d3bf30-ce12-11eb-ba90-c63c5470e9ab’]]”
How can I properly store/append the endpoint id string properly so that the url in my last play looks like this:
“status”: 400, “url”: “https://xx.xx.xx.xx:9060/ers/config/endpoint/69d3bf30-ce12-11eb-ba90-c63c5470e9ab”
Please advise. TIA!