Parsing json output from uri module

I’m trying to parse the output of a uri request that I have saved in a variable named “apis”. Ultimately i will want to match several items when AnonymousAccessAllowed=true but I’m not having success. Any help would be appreciated.

If i debug “{{apis.json}}” this is the output.


TASK [debut apis] **********************************************************************************************************************************

ok: [localhost] => {

“msg”: {

“APIImplementationInfo”: [


“APIOwnedImplementation”: true,

“APIVersionID”: “799285b2-ac87-44be-8f61-342b96ffba2c.travelportAPI”,

“AnonymousAccessAllowed”: false,

“EndpointAccessAutoApproved”: true,

“ImplementationCode”: “Live”,

“Pattern”: “com.akana.pattern.proxy”,

“ServiceKey”: “uddi:5988b66a-ff7f-11e6-8674-d0288b15863d”



“APIOwnedImplementation”: true,

“APIVersionID”: “799285b2-ac87-44be-8f61-342b96ffba2c.travelportAPI”,

“AnonymousAccessAllowed”: true,

“EndpointAccessAutoApproved”: true,

“ImplementationCode”: “Sandbox”,

“Pattern”: “com.akana.pattern.proxy”,

“ServiceKey”: “uddi:3ebe224d-506b-11e7-ba06-98021d1b1c3f”






This is the relevant parts of the playbook. I’ve commented out the when condition but get an undefined variable in the test task.


  • name: debut apis


msg: “{{apis.json}}”

  • name: init fact


anon: “

  • name: test


anon: “{{anon}} + [ {{item.AnonymousAccessAllowed}} ]"

#when: item.AnonymousAccessAllowed | search(“true”)

with_items: “{{apis.json.APIImplementationInfo}}”

  • name: output


msg: “{{anon}}”


If anyone has a suggestion I’d appreciate it. This is driving me bonkers and i’m sure I am missing some basic understanding.


Probably something such as:

  • debug:
    msg: “{{ apis.json.APIImplementationInfo|selectattr(‘AnonymousAccessAllowed’)|list }}”

Thanks for the reply Matt but debugging with that option lends:

TASK [output] *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************

fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“msg”: “The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The error was: ‘dict object’ has no attribute ‘APIImplementationInfo’\n\nThe error appears to have been in ‘/Users/tony/foo2.yml’: line 40, column 5, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n\n - name: output\n ^ here\n”}