I’m trying to add the long list of groups to the oracle user and getting “Group a does not exist.” as a failure msg. Not trying to add an “a” group, and the groups I am adding exist on the host. Is there a way to get more detail on what is going on?
The actual error message is:
"msg": "Group a does not exist."
I think the problem could be that "{{ item.groups | default('') }}" is
a string; so when you try to run the "join(',')" filter, the filter
iterates over the string (i.e. over the characters in the string) and
puts a comma between each entry (i.e. each character). So the resulting
string will be "d,b,a,o,p,e,r,a,s,...". I guess the group plugin
converts sorts this list and thus complains about the first entry ("a")
not being a valid group.
If you remove the "| join(',')" part, it should work.