Can some one help me with my playbook for adding new user and adding that user to existing groups…
- hosts: “{{ target }}”
become: yes
become_user: root
become_method: sudo
gather_facts: no
- name: User add “{{ user }}”
user: name=“{{ user }}” comment=“{{ comment }}” uid=“{{ uid }}” groups=“{{ groups }}”
notify: - Chage added user
- name: Chage added user
shell: chage -M 99999 “{{ user }}”
My command…
ansible-playbook user_add_and_to_group.yaml -K -e “target=egcp-tst-rde.mbu.local user=test1 comment=testuser uid=9990 groups=sysadm”
I am getting this error…
“msg”: “argument groups is of type <type ‘dict’> and we were unable to convert to list: <type ‘dict’> cannot be converted to a list”
If I use the play book without groups parameter playbook is successful if I manually define groups directly in the playbook its successful but it fails if I use it with variables and I do not understand why