Verify groups in linux server and display the groups doesn't exist using lineinfile module

I want to search for available groups in the server and print the groups doesn’t exist.

- name: Checking if group exist
    dest: /etc/group
    line: "{{ }}"
  check_mode: yes
  register: verify_group
  loop: "{{ UserAddList.add_users }}"
  failed_when: verify_group is not changed
  no_log: true

This is the input file I’m using

- name: test1_123
  group: test2_123456
  - test2
  password: test1_newcdsaf
  sudo_entry: 'ALL=(ALL)  NOPASSWD: ALL'
- name: test1_1234
  group: test2
  - group1
  password: test1_newcdsaf
  sudo_entry: 'ALL=(ALL)  NOPASSWD: ALL'

I want to display message to user the groups that are not present and fail the job. Please suggest

Thanks in advance.