Gitlab Integration

Hello everyone!
I’m trying to integrate AWX x GITLAB and I receiving below issue:

“msg”: “ssh: Could not resolve hostname gitlabserver.local: Name or service not known\r\nfatal: Could not read from remote repository.\n\nPlease make sure you have the correct access rights\nand the repository exists.”

This is my repo: ssh://git@gitlabserver.local:2222/ansible/Ansible.git

My GITLAB is working on Docker Container and your SSH PORT is 2222. AWX is trying connect in port 22 (local server).

Can I change this on AWX?

Note: I have most repos working fine with Jenkins in same GITLAB.


Ricardo Santos

Could not resolve hostname gitlabserver.local: Name or service not known

This suggests that the problem is actually a DNS resolution issue.

The problem was that awxtask did not resolve the DNS nor did it have the credentials needed to connect to the Repository in Gitlab.

Add HOSTNAME IP entries to / etc / hosts on awxtask
Creating ssh key in awxtask
Copy id_rsa to git user

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