I have problem with username michael.heca to Galaxy. Role is not installable from this account, because ‘.’ in username.
Please disallow ‘.’ in username.
Please allow same username as on Github. There if now limit on length. On Github I have 5 char in username.
heca@pc-heca: ~/work/ansible/tmp $ ansible-galaxy install michael.heca.apt
downloading role ‘apt’, owned by michael.heca
no version specified, installing master
extracting michael.heca.apt to roles/michael.heca.apt
michael.heca.apt was installed successfully
but now is problem with roles containing ‘.’ in name
heca@pc-heca: ~/work/ansible/tmp $ ansible-galaxy install binarytemple.ubuntu.docker.installer
downloading role ‘installer’, owned by binarytemple.ubuntu.docker
Sorry, binarytemple.ubuntu.docker.installer was not found on galaxy.ansibleworks.com.
Dne pondělí, 6. ledna 2014 17:10:33 UTC+1 James Tanner napsal(a):