Hi all, we’re going to be pushing out some more updates for Galaxy tomorrow night, so the site will be unavailable for a short time starting at 9PM EST. Once the maintenance is complete, we’ll send out a follow-up email detailing the list of fixes/enhancements.
Thanks, and let us know if you have any questions!
One of the features I'm most eager of ( and i believe I thought there was
said this zould be looked at, but as there's no public bug tracker, i'm not
sure) is the possibility to group several roles in one github repo.
Is this still being thought of?
The idea of filling my github account with lots of repo's that don't have
any reference to ansible in it's name is bugging me 
Yes, we have an internal ticket for that, however it will won’t be included in this update.
You can definitely include “ansible” in the name of your repo.
When you upload the role it lets you specify an alternative name, where the name of the role can have something else it, and you can remove the Ansible there.
In fact, we’re considering renaming all roles that have “ansible-” or “ansible” in it in the migration, so alphabetical listing works better. This should have been blocked originally.
IIRC, this will also not be done in this update.
Yeah, I presumed so. Hower that leaveds getting 1 repo per role 
I didn.t expect this to get into this upcoming release, but as I said I'm
Maintenance is starting now.
The maintenance is complete. Here is a list of the new enhancements/fixes:
The “My Roles” page is now dynamic, so the status of imports will automatically refresh without needing a full page refresh (no more endless spinner!)
Added a button to link to the main Github repo for the role.
Added some additional validation around fields on the “Add a Role” form. Periods are no longer allowed in role names, and will be silently converted to underscores when the role is saved.
Added pagination to the user/role detail pages for ratings, etc. on the tabs.
Bug fixes:
Fixed a bug where users could add ratings on their own roles.
Fixed calculations for top users/reviewers so only active roles and ratings are taken into account.
Fixed some bugs related to the role import tasks that run in the background, which were causing import failures.
Let us know if you run into any problems with these new fixes.