firewall rules needed

What kind of firewall rules would be needed to get this going in an enterprise environment with security lock down in place, and there’s no proxy option for this?

It seems it needs to have access to at least docker hub, and epel yum url (not sure exactly what this url would be), this is very painful to try to get this going inside enterprise environment, and there’s no documentation on how to do this.

There is indeed a proxy option on the installer

It does indeed require some external access, but it’s entirely possible to get all of these components and build locally. If you are interested in an enterprise/supported version you’ll want to have a look at Ansible Tower (which, coincidentally, comes with a bundle/offline installer).

It would be awesome if you could provide steps to get all the components and build locally… I know the proxy option, it does not work for me as we don’t use proxy.

Sorry about that, I don’t have time to help you out directly with this but maybe someone else does. Or if you figure it out on your own then you can share it with the group.