Hi guys,
I’ve created my Execution Environment (EE) on a machine with internet access (online).
Now, I would like to use this EE on an offline (no internet access) AWX.
What should I do? Do I have to temporarily give internet access to AWX to add/setup the EE once?
Or there are any other approaches?
Ran into this as well. I had to make a custom ansible image by guessing what’s needed inside.
Probably the start you need, not sure if something else needed that I have in my docker makefile.
It’s really annoying there’s all these extra layers of complexity instead of just a simple dockerfile
saw another suggestion to create a local private docker registry. I may need to explore further on this
can you see the discussion here, which is related https://groups.google.com/u/1/g/awx-project/c/BEEtyljkTJc/m/gFak_u2wAgAJ
let us know if that is helpful, or if you run into issues following that guide
AWX Team