Failed to create Volumes in HPE machine with redfish_config

Hi there!

I’m trying to use ansible and redfish to configure HPE machines with ILO5 v3.0.9

I’m using the HP ilo ansible collection GitHub - HewlettPackard/ilo-ansible-collection: Ansible Collection and Sample Playbooks for HPE iLO

Most of the commands worked, but I’m getting trouble with the volume creation that uses the community.general.redfish_config module.
This is the link to the documentation of the redfish_config module: community.general.redfish_config module – Manages Out-Of-Band controllers using Redfish APIs — Ansible Community Documentation

The following is an example of the code that I’m trying to execute to create a RAID0 volume on the disk number 2:

- name: Create vdi volumes RAID0
    category: Systems
    command: CreateVolume
    baseuri: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
    username: "{{ ilo_username }}"
    password: "{{ ilo_password }}"
    storage_subsystem_id: "DE09B000"
      Name: "Disk 2 NoRAID"
      RAIDType: "RAID0"
        - "/redfish/v1/Systems/1/Storage/DE09B000/Drives/2"    

the first issue is that it asks me to specify the required parameter CapacityBytes which is not specified in any example.
Even if I add the CapacityBytes parameter with the size of the disk converted from terabytes in bytes, I receive a HTTP 400 error on a POST request with a message: “The operation failed due to an internal error.”

Moreover, if I try to use the ilorest command line, everything works without the need of the CapacityBytes parameter.

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I got the 400 reply when the volume is already created because the POST is forbidden or if the iLO is not displaying the drives (a reboot helps to recover).
I also cannot find a way to create the volume without specifying the CapacityBytes, but if I specify them, the creation works.