facing issue with shell module in ansible

Hi Team,

I’m trying the below code to attach region-specific waf to region-specific alb’s. But the below code doesn’t seem to be working for associating the waf to alb’s. The last shell module is having issues, “$alb_arn” value is not getting interpreted and getting the error mentioned below.


  • block:

  • name: Get service alb info
    profile: “{{ aws_profile_name }}”
    region: “{{ region }}”

  • “Service-{{ ec2_tag_environment }}”

  • “ServiceInt-{{ ec2_tag_environment }}”

  • “Web-{{ ec2_tag_environment }}”
    register: alb_info
    loop: “{{ aws_cloud_regions }}”
    loop_var: region

  • debug:

  • name: Extract ALB ARNs
    alb_arns: “{{ alb_arns | default() + item.load_balancers | map(attribute=‘load_balancer_arn’) | list }}”
    loop: “{{ alb_info.results }}”

  • name: Extract ALB map ARNs
    alb_map_arns: “{{ alb_map_arns | default({}) | combine({item.region: item.load_balancers | map(attribute=‘load_balancer_arn’) | list}) }}”
    loop: “{{ alb_info.results }}”

  • name: Display ALB ARNs
    var: alb_map_arns

  • name: Get WAF WebACL ARN
    shell: |
    aws wafv2 list-web-acls --scope REGIONAL --profile “{{ aws_profile_name }}” --region “{{ region }}” --query ‘WebACLs[?Name=={{ ec2_tag_environment }}-ALB].ARN’ --output text
    register: waf_acl
    changed_when: false
    loop: “{{ aws_cloud_regions }}”
    loop_var: region

  • debug:

  • name: Print WebACL ARN
    waf_arn: “{{ waf_arn | default({}) | combine({item.region: item.stdout}) }}”
    loop: “{{ waf_acl.results }}”

  • debug:

  • name: Attach WAF to ALBs
    shell: |
    for alb_arn in {{ alb_map_arns[item] }}; do
    aws wafv2 associate-web-acl
    –web-acl-arn “{{ waf_arn[item] }}”
    –resource-arn “$alb_arn”
    –profile “{{ aws_profile_name }}”
    –region “{{ item }}”
    loop: “{{ waf_arn.keys() | list }}”
    when: item in alb_map_arns

below $alb_arn is not getting interpreted

do\n aws wafv2 associate-web-acl --web-acl-arn "arn:aws:wafv2:eu-central-1::regional/webacl/QAtest-ALB/a6dda4d3-9973-4b88-bc49-a7cbad91a302" --resource-arn "$alb_arn"

error reason: The ARN isn’t valid. A valid ARN begins with arn: and includes other information separated by colons or slashes., field: RESOURCE_ARN
An error occurred (WAFNonexistentItemException) when calling the AssociateWebACL operation: AWS WAF couldn’t perform the operation because your resource doesn’t exist


You left out important information. For instance the output of the “Display ALB ARNs” debug task.
That is used in your shell command at " for alb_arn in {{ alb_map_arns[item] }}; do", so that is important.
Post that debug output.
Or, post the output of the “Attach WAF to ALBs” task with -vv.

Hey Dick,

Thanks for responding.

Please find the attached debug output as requested

TASK [Display ALB ARNs] ************************************************************************************
Thursday 24 August 2023 13:04:34 -0700 (0:00:00.338) 0:00:24.776 *******
ok: [localhost] => {
“alb_map_arns”: {
“eu-central-1”: [
“us-east-1”: [

And the output of “Attach WAF to ALBs”?

output of "Attach WAF to ALBs:

TASK [Attach WAF to ALBs] _*********************************************************************************************************_

Thursday 24 August 2023 12:34:47 -0700 (0:00:00.305) 0:00:33.257 _***_**

failed: [localhost] (item=us-east-1) => {“ansible_loop_var”: “item”, “changed”: true, “cmd”: “for alb_arn in [‘arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:<>:loadbalancer/app/Web-QAtest/c1fba8d4f0526447’, ‘arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:<>:loadbalancer/app/Service-QAtest/1c8cde570dbc2c98’, ‘arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:<>:loadbalancer/app/ServiceInt-QAtest/e8b1dcfb2f17b6e1’]; do\n echo "ALB ARN: $alb_arn"\n echo "WAF ARN: arn:aws:wafv2:us-east-1:<>:regional/webacl/QAtest-ALB/11dd2e60-7d87-4827-8be6-6b2660b759ee"\n aws wafv2 associate-web-acl --web-acl-arn "arn:aws:wafv2:us-east-1:<>:regional/webacl/QAtest-ALB/11dd2e60-7d87-4827-8be6-6b2660b759ee" --resource-arn $alb_arn --profile "<>" --region "us-east-1"\ndone\n”, “delta”: “0:00:12.982311”, “end”: “2023-08-24 12:35:01.526408”, “item”: “us-east-1”, “msg”: “non-zero return code”, “rc”: 255, “start”: “2023-08-24 12:34:48.544097”, “stderr”: “\nAn error occurred (WAFInvalidParameterException) when calling the AssociateWebACL operation: Error reason: The ARN isn’t valid. A valid ARN begins with arn: and includes other information separated by colons or slashes., field: RESOURCE_ARN, parameter: [arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:<>:loadbalancer/app/Web-QAtest/c1fba8d4f0526447,\n\nAn error occurred (WAFNonexistentItemException) when calling the AssociateWebACL operation: AWS WAF couldn’t perform the operation because your resource doesn’t exist.\n\nAn error occurred (WAFNonexistentItemException) when calling the AssociateWebACL operation: AWS WAF couldn’t perform the operation because your resource doesn’t exist.”, “stderr_lines”: [“”, “An error occurred (WAFInvalidParameterException) when calling the AssociateWebACL operation: Error reason: The ARN isn’t valid. A valid ARN begins with arn: and includes other information separated by colons or slashes., field: RESOURCE_ARN, parameter: [arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:<>:loadbalancer/app/Web-QAtest/c1fba8d4f0526447,”, “”, “An error occurred (WAFNonexistentItemException) when calling the AssociateWebACL operation: AWS WAF couldn’t perform the operation because your resource doesn’t exist.”, “”, “An error occurred (WAFNonexistentItemException) when calling the AssociateWebACL operation: AWS WAF couldn’t perform the operation because your resource doesn’t exist.”], “stdout”: “ALB ARN: [arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:<>:loadbalancer/app/Web-QAtest/c1fba8d4f0526447,\nWAF ARN: arn:aws:wafv2:us-east-1:<>:regional/webacl/QAtest-ALB/11dd2e60-7d87-4827-8be6-6b2660b759ee\nALB ARN: arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:<>:loadbalancer/app/Service-QAtest/1c8cde570dbc2c98,\nWAF ARN: arn:aws:wafv2:us-east-1:<>:regional/webacl/QAtest-ALB/11dd2e60-7d87-4827-8be6-6b2660b759ee\nALB ARN: arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:<>:loadbalancer/app/ServiceInt-QAtest/e8b1dcfb2f17b6e1]\nWAF ARN: arn:aws:wafv2:us-east-1:<>:regional/webacl/QAtest-ALB/11dd2e60-7d87-4827-8be6-6b2660b759ee”, “stdout_lines”: [“ALB ARN: [arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:<>:loadbalancer/app/Web-QAtest/c1fba8d4f0526447,”, “WAF ARN: arn:aws:wafv2:us-east-1:<>:regional/webacl/QAtest-ALB/11dd2e60-7d87-4827-8be6-6b2660b759ee”, “ALB ARN: arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:<>:loadbalancer/app/Service-QAtest/1c8cde570dbc2c98,”, “WAF ARN: arn:aws:wafv2:us-east-1:<>:regional/webacl/QAtest-ALB/11dd2e60-7d87-4827-8be6-6b2660b759ee”, “ALB ARN: arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:<>:loadbalancer/app/ServiceInt-QAtest/e8b1dcfb2f17b6e1]”, “WAF ARN: arn:aws:wafv2:us-east-1:<>:regional/webacl/QAtest-ALB/11dd2e60-7d87-4827-8be6-6b2660b759ee”]}

I think the problem is here. You are trying to loop over a yaml list in your shell code, which does not work. I’m guessing you’d need to join that yaml list by a space to make it work in the shell command. That is assuming the items themself do not contain spaces.
So the first line of your shell command would be:

for alb_arn in {{ alb_map_arns[item] | join(’ ') }}; do