Ansible --> Route 53

Hi people,

Have some issues with Ansible to AWS.

Error message I´m getting;

TASK [route53] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
task path: hulululu/gitto/ansible/playbooks/aws/deploy_albs.yml:103
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {“changed”: false, “msg”: “Unsupported parameters for (route53) module: tags Supported parameters include: alias, alias_evaluate_target_health, alias_hosted_zone_id, aws_access_key, aws_secret_key, ec2_url, failover, health_check, hosted_zone_id, identifier, overwrite, private_zone, profile, record, region, retry_interval, security_token, state, ttl, type, validate_certs, value, vpc_id, wait, wait_timeout, weight, zone”}

to retry, use: --limit @/home/hulululu/gitto/ansible/playbooks/aws/deploy_and_setup.retry

Actual code Im having issues with;

  • debug: msg=“{{ alb.dns_name }}”

  • debug: msg=“{{ alb.canonical_hosted_zone_id }}”

  • route53:
    command: create
    overwrite: yes
    wait: yes
    wait_timeout: 2000
    zone: “{{ dns_zone }}”
    record: “splunk.{{ dns_zone }}”
    type: A
    value: “{{ alb.dns_name }}”
    alias: True
    ttl: 30
    alias_hosted_zone_id: “{{ alb.canonical_hosted_zone_id }}”
    tags: sh-alb


   - route53:
       command: create
       overwrite: yes
       wait: yes
       wait_timeout: 2000
       zone: "{{ dns_zone }}"
       record: "splunk.{{ dns_zone }}"
       type: A
       value: "{{ alb.dns_name }}"
       alias: True
       ttl: 30
       alias_hosted_zone_id: "{{ alb.canonical_hosted_zone_id }}"
       tags: sh-alb

You have two un-indent 'tags:' by two spaces. It is an attribute of the
task, not of the route53 module:

   - route53:
       command: create
       overwrite: yes
       wait: yes
       wait_timeout: 2000
       zone: "{{ dns_zone }}"
       record: "splunk.{{ dns_zone }}"
       type: A
       value: "{{ alb.dns_name }}"
       alias: True
       ttl: 30
       alias_hosted_zone_id: "{{ alb.canonical_hosted_zone_id }}"
     tags: sh-alb
