Execution environment used with inventory source syncing

I’m running AWX 22.4.0 in K8s. How does AWX should determine which EE to use for an inventory source sync when none is specified?

Under “api/v2/inventory_sources/” I see “execution_environment”, which is “null” when no EE has been set to that inventory source, and “resolved_environment” which is one of defined EEs. When an EE has been set to that inventory source then the details of this are seen on both “execution_environment” and “resolved_environment”.

Is there a logic for deriving the “resolved_environment”?

You can find this specifc logic in the codebase here: https://github.com/ansible/awx/blob/devel/awx/main/models/mixins.py#L505
Do note that some models override this logic depending on the scenario.

  • AWX Team