Excluding groups issue


Documentation says:

You can exclude groups as well, for instance, all webservers not in Phoenix:

But when I do so, I get:

[root@ansible playbooks]# ansible -o all:!webservers -u admin -k -K -m ping
bash: !webservers: event not found

To avoid this error, I have to escape exclamation mark:

[root@ansible playbooks]# ansible -o all:!webservers -u admin -k -K -m ping

Perhaps this is mentioned somewhere, but I couldn’t find. So it’s just FYI :wink:


You need to quote it for the shell

Ok I got it. I tried to quote with doublequotes and it didn’t work, but it appears that I need to use singlequotes.

But when I do so, I get:

[root@ansible playbooks]# ansible -o all:!webservers -u admin -k -K -m ping
> bash: !webservers: event not found

If you don't feel like escaping each '!', I'd

        set +o histexpand

H which disables !-style history substitution. This
option is on by default when the shell is interactive."
