Example for running a playbook using Python API

Probably the best example of running a playbook via Python code is
actually /usr/bin/ansible-playbook itself, though it uses nearly all
of the flags.


Anything referenced there either comes from command line flags or is
constructed further up in that file.

Hope that helps!

Hi all,
I have a Playbook which is used to push template configuration to the router, It work fine if I run command ansible-playbook playbook_name.yml
But now I don’t want call Playbook manually, I want to creat a file (such as pb.run) and then use it to call playbook.
How I can do it?
Please help me, thanks!

Vào 06:37:52 UTC+7 Chủ Nhật, ngày 24 tháng 2 năm 2013, Michael DeHaan đã viết:

Hello Dao,

I did the same in ansible.

  • I created one pb.sh within the file i wrote below

ansible-playbook playbook1.yml

and saved.

  • then i change the permission chmod +x pb.sh and run those as
    [root@localhost]# ./pb.sh

i think it is useful to you also.

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