error using "become"?

GNU/Linux: CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)


Removed Ansible 2.8.5 and installed Ansible 2.8.5.
Same error.
More simple playbook.
Changed “become: yes” to “become:true”.
Same error:

What is the version of sudo installed on appsrv98?

I have a feeling that appsrv98 is a really old machine, maybe running EL5 or something like that. In which case, even if you can get past the sudo issue, you’ll run into python version issues as well.

That’s an interesting thought.
Ansible isn’t required on the remote machine; python is though.
Here’s on the remote machine:

DEV App Server 98
appsrv98:meggle1:/home/meggle1> rpm -qi ansible
package ansible is not installed
DEV App Server 98
appsrv98:meggle1:/home/meggle1> python -V
Python 2.7.16
DEV App Server 98

Sudo is too old.
This works:

Matt, thanks for your help.
