Update of ansible seems incorrect


I’ve a Ubuntu 14.04 box with Ansible and Ansible-Tower running. I do regularly upgrades of the packages and have the official mirror for Ansible in my sources.list. So it gets updates. So far, so good. But i think there’s something wrong.

1.) When I do a ansible --version on the command line it says it version

ansible@DE9899S76 ~ % ansible --version


config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg

configured module search path = Default w/o overrides

2.) apt-cache --showpkg says it’s

ansible@DE9899S76 ~ % apt-cache showpkg ansible

Provides: -

1.7.2+dfsg-1~ubuntu14.04.1 -

1.5.4+dfsg-1 -

3:) I use the synchronize module in a playbook now and have a problem, that, as far as I’ve read, has been solved in Ansible 2.1.

When using become: yes with the synchronize module it tries to use sudo not on the remote machine but on the Ansible server. You can read about it here, e.g.: http://cheat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ansible/synchronize.html

Has anyone had the same behavior? Am I getting something wrong? Any help would be appreciated :slight_smile:

It looks like you have several versions of Ansible installed, I
recommend removing all traces and reinstalling from the latest.

As for the docs, those are not the official documentation.