ec2_instance & AMIs that require agreement to terms & conditions?


While trying to spin up a CentOS7 instance using ec2_instance, I get
the following error message (ansible 2.8.5):

fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => changed=false
  boto3_version: 1.9.228
  botocore_version: 1.12.228
    code: OptInRequired
    message: In order to use this AWS Marketplace product you need to
accept terms and subscribe. To do so please visit
      availability_zone: null
      aws_access_key: null
      aws_secret_key: null
      cpu_credit_specification: null
      cpu_options: null
      debug_botocore_endpoint_logs: false
      detailed_monitoring: null
      ebs_optimized: null
      ec2_url: null
        tag:Customer: test
        tag:Name: jumphost1
      image: null
      image_id: ami-04cf43aca3e6f3de3

Any ideas how to accept those terms etc in a programmatic way?
