ec2_ami_search module

Starting an EC2 instance based off of an AMI returned from the ec2_ami_search module. I’m trying to use an EBS SSD backed instance. The documentation shows ebs, ebs-io1, ebs-ssd, and instance-store as options.

A fragment of my playbook:

  • name: get the latest Ubuntu 14.04 AMI
    ec2_ami_search: distro=ubuntu
    register: ubuntu_image

This returns:

failed: [localhost] => {“failed”: true}
msg: value of store must be one of: ebs,instance-store, got: ebs-ssd

What am I doing wrong here? Thanks in advance.

Hi Peter, can you share which version of Ansible you’re running? It appears that those options were added in the development branch of Ansible, and will only be available in 1.8+. The documentation does appear to be missing a note to that effect.


Thanks James, that makes sense. I’m on 1.7.2. I’ll check out the dev branch.