I have created a playbook that can pull the required info I need to create a JSON file with just the options I need displayed in the multiple choice survey, but now I need something similar to the hack ‘url’ example to get the survey populated.
I know it will be an extra step for my end user, but I will work this into my hand over.
Any ideas from someone out there to fix this issue?
Ideally if i can replace the ‘url’ example below to point to a JSON file on the Tower Server, I could get my list populated.
Since you have a playbook that fetches the JSON for the mulitple choice options you are just one step away from updating the survey with your multiple choice options. All you need to do is callback to tower in your playbook and update the survey spec. I explain how to callback to tower in another group reply here https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/awx-project/t3lhAFGy8po
I have a similar situation and whilst I can write a playbook that updates the survey file, the issue I am trying to understand is how do I trigger this update process to run before the Survey is presented to the user?
i.e the user runs the job, the spec file is updated, then the survey is displayed to the user.
Every way I can see ( I hope I’m missing something ) the following happens:
the user runs the job
the survey is presented
the speckle is updated ( via a playbook - or inventory sync ).
The user experience isn’t going to be as smooth as you’d like but … You could ask that a user click to launch JTA that will update JTB. Then the user can launch JTB that will contain the updated survey.