Dynamic inventory json format question


in the past i used this inventory entries.

inventory.ini format:



dynamic inventory json format:
“DATABASE1” : { “hosts” : [ "hostname1.com ] },
“DATABASE2” : { “hosts” : [ "hostname47.de ] }

This setup wors fine.

For internal reasons i have to cahneg the format.
Here is a example that works for me as i expect in inventory.ini format:

DATABASE1_hostname1.com ansible_host=hostname1.com

DATABASE_2_hostname47.de ansible_host=hostname47.de

Can please someone give me the eqivalent json format?

Many thanks

My recommendation, is to use the ansible-inventory command to show you what the output should look like:

ansible-inventory -i inventory.ini --list

for recreating an inventory: ansible-inventory -i inventory.ini --list
--export, w/o the --export it just shows a 'flattened view' which is
what ansible sees internally, good for debugging but not for emulating
in your own inventory source.


i did a ansible-inventory -i inventory.ini --list against my working inventory.ini and got the following result:

$ ansible-inventory -i inventory.ini --list
[WARNING]: * Failed to parse /APPL/ansible/cfg/inventory.ini with ini plugin: /APPL/ansible/cfg/inventory.ini:2: Expected key=value host variable assignment, got: :
[WARNING]: Unable to parse /APPL/ansible/cfg/inventory.ini as an inventory source
[WARNING]: No inventory was parsed, only implicit localhost is available
“_meta”: {
“hostvars”: {
“{”: {
“ansible_ssh_pass”: “xxx”,
“ansible_user”: “oracle”
“all”: {
“children”: [
“ungrouped”: {
“hosts”: [

So i still do not know how the the json format should be…


Can you post contents of your inventory.ini

as i did in my question - but here again:

DATABASE1_hostname1.com ansible_host=hostname1.com

DATABASE_2_hostname47.de ansible_host=hostname47.de


ansible-inventory -i inventory.ini --list worked now fine for me.
(I had a typo in the inventory.ini which prevented ansible-Inventory … --list from working in the correct way).
Many tnaks for all your help!