Hi All,
I have been using Ansible for a few months now and have started to create some custom python scripts to enable me to implement tasks I haven’t otherwise been able to do within standard playbooks.
My inventory file is starting to grow and since all of the information in it is currently available from a DB, I started to look at dynamic inventory.
I wanted to start by understanding the JSON required to build an inventory, so came up with the following code in an effort to understand it. I realise that this is not a complete solution, it is purely for me to understand the required format of the data.
inv = {
“company”: {
“hosts”: [
“_meta”: {
“hostvars”: {
“server”: {
“ansible_ssh_host” : “”,
“ansible_ssh_port” : “44”
“sensor”: {
“ansible_ssh_host” : “”,
“ansible_ssh_port” : “33”
inv = json.dumps(inv)
inventory = ansible.inventory.Inventory(inv)
If I print inv, it comes out like so…
{“company”: {“hosts”: [“server”, “sensor”]}, “_meta”: {“hostvars”: {“sensor”: {“ansible_ssh_host”: “”, “ansible_ssh_port”: “44”}, “server”: {“ansible_ssh_host”: “”, “ansible_ssh_port”: “33”}}}}
When I execute this code however, I get the following error.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “test_inventory.py”, line 33, in
inventory = ansible.inventory.Inventory(inv)
File “/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ansible/inventory/init.py”, line 93, in init
all.add_host(Host(tokens[0], tokens[1]))
File “/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ansible/inventory/host.py”, line 32, in init
self.set_variable(‘ansible_ssh_port’, int(port))
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ‘“22”}’
I’ve tried removing the string quotes from the port number, but the problem persists. If I remove the ansible_ssh_port lines, I get no errors.
Can anyone offer any advice? I’m current running Ansible version 1.9.4 which I understand is the latest.