hi all,
i am having a complex json file with nested json structure. how can i create dynamic inventory using json file into ansible.
i have tried many tutorials but due to compley json structure i am not getting it completely.
please advise.
hi all,
i am having a complex json file with nested json structure. how can i create dynamic inventory using json file into ansible.
i have tried many tutorials but due to compley json structure i am not getting it completely.
please advise.
Please provide a sample complex json file.
please find attached json file.
cluster.json (191 KB)
What have you tried so far and what is required output?
i have written a python script to list all the ips for master nodes and worker nodes with respect to cluster name.
but i am not sure how to do it for nested ip addresses.
i have also tried converting json to csv and then fetch the ip addresses from this using this approach i am getting csv file but not getting the required data (ip addresses for master and worker nodes ) in dynamic inventory.
on other hand i am also trying using jsonquery as follows but it gives me 2 set of lists and from this my requirement is to get only one list for master and worker nodes:
name: get auth-token from ccp
url: ‘{{ ccp_url }}/system/login’
return_content: yes
username: ‘{{ ccp_user }}’
password: ‘{{ ccp_pass }}’
body_format: form-urlencoded
validate_certs: no
method: POST
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
register: token
name: printtoken
msg: “{{ token.x_auth_token }}”
name: create list of all CCP-Nodes
url: ‘{{ ccp_url }}/clusters’
validate_certs: no
method: GET
dest: …/cluster.txt
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
x-auth-token: ‘{{ token.x_auth_token }}’
register: jsoncontent
name: master ip list from json content
debug: msg=“{{ input | json_query(jmesquery) }}”
#debug: msg=“{{ input1 | json_query(jmesquery1) }}”
#copy: content=“{{ input | json_query(jmesquery) || input1 | json_query(jmesquery1) }}” dest=…/ip_address.txt
input : “{{ lookup(‘template’, ‘…/cluster.txt’) }}”
target: “{{ input | json_query(jmesquery) }}”
jmesquery: “[].master_group[].nodes[].private_ip"
input1 : “{{ lookup(‘template’, ‘…/cluster.txt’) }}”
target1: “{{ input1 | json_query(jmesquery1) }}”
jmesquery1: "[].node_groups.nodes.private_ip”
name: worker ip list from json content
debug: msg=“{{ input1 | json_query(jmesquery1) }}”
#debug: msg=“{{ input1 | json_query (” [].node_groups[].nodes[].private_ip || [].master_group.nodes.private_ip “) }}”
#copy: content=“{{ input1 | json_query(jmesquery1) }}” dest=…/ip_address1.txt
input1 : “{{ lookup(‘template’, ‘…/cluster.txt’) }}”
target1: "{{ input1 | json_query(jmesquery1) }}
jmesquery1: “[*].node_groups.nodes.private_ip”
Is there any other approach to achieve this?