Docs formatting on Galaxy

Galaxy shows collection documentation. I think this has started somewhere during the last months, although I can’t find the announcement anymore.

Whatever, if you look at e.g. vmware_cluster_drs you’ll see L(new vmware.vmware collection, and M(vmware.vmware.cluster_drs).

Shouldn’t this be formatted as links like here?

Sorry if this has been asked already, but I wasn’t able to find anything about this either here or on GitHub.

It started with the switch to galaxy_ng, i.e. roughly one year ago :slight_smile:

Yes. I guess it’s a bug that in these parts Ansible markup is not formatted.

The corresponding code is here: ansible-hub-ui/src/components/render-plugin-doc/render-plugin-doc.tsx at master · felixfontein/ansible-hub-ui · GitHub Applying this.applyDocFormatters() to doc.deprecated.why and doc.deprecated.alternative should fix this.

Thanks @felixfontein! I’ve opened this issue and mentioned your suggestion there.


There might be another formatting / rendering problem.

We’ve had an issue recently in community.vmware. The problem is that default_gateway is a sub-option of network, but it doesn’t show up on galaxy that way. It looks OK on, though.

That’s already fixed by Fix zero width of spacer columns indenting suboptions and sub-return values by felixfontein · Pull Request #5417 · ansible/ansible-hub-ui · GitHub, merged two days ago. I have no idea when this will end up on though…

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@felixfontein FYI it looks like your changes show up on galaxy now :smiley:

Hmm, looks like the zero width fix didn’t work fully: Ansible Galaxy

Adding min-width: 20px to the spacer definition fixes it for me.