debconf, can't get it to conf


I’m doing on a on a debian wheezy the vanila :

  • debconf: name=locales question=‘locales/locales_to_be_generated’ value=‘en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8, fr_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8’ vtype=‘multiselect’
  • debconf: name=locales question=‘locales/default_environment_locale’ value=fr_FR.UTF-8 vtype=‘select’

yet nothing happens…

/etc/default/locale untouched

cat ./locale.gen |grep -v “^#” untouched

The strange thing is that on the 1st pass state is “changed” and not after.

What I a missing ?





I'm doing on a on a debian wheezy the vanila :

    - debconf: name=locales question='locales/locales_to_be_generated' value=
'en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8, fr_FR.UTF-8 UTF-8' vtype='multiselect'
    - debconf: name=locales question='locales/default_environment_locale' value
=fr_FR.UTF-8 vtype='select'

yet nothing happens...

/etc/default/locale untouched
cat ./locale.gen |grep -v "^#" untouched

That is to be expected. Debconf only changes the configuration
*database* - which is typically used when pre-seeding installation of

Once installed, changing this will have little effect: Well-behaved
packages will read the current configuration files (files: not debconf
database), and use those as defaults for the configuration answers.
So I cannot see it being of any use unless you are *installing*

To reconfigure packages afterwards, you're better off updating the
relevant configuration files - usually followed by a restart of the
relevant daemon(s).

It is worth noting that the debconf database must not be confused with
a registry. It is not. The *real* configuration is in the
configuration files : /etc/somewhere. Debconf is just a handy way for
package developers to interact with the user, and not worry about the
user interface.

The strange thing is that on the 1st pass state is "changed" and not

Yes - It changed the value in the database on the first run. On
subsequent runs, the database value does not need changing.

Hope this helps

Okay thanks for your reply.
But what is the use case for debconf with locales as illustrated in the

Once a use debconf what’s next ?

