Convert a hex number to decimal

This has to be easy, but I have tried a way to many things. Given a hex number as a string, say ‘8d’, I cannot convert it to a decimal string.
I presumed to prepend ‘0x’ but ‘{{ “0x8d” | int }}’ returns 0. I am not having any better luck with jinja2 format(). I feel pretty stupid right now and I am tempted to just call the shell.
Sorry, but sometimes I really miss perl’s weak type casting.

One of 100 attempts:

{{ hex_val | int(base=16) }}

Thanks so much for your reply. Perhaps I need a bit more explanation.
When I try using this construct in a template, I get “do_int() got an unexpected keyword argument ‘base’”

I get the same thing using a playbook:

One more thing to note:
If the hex string is originally defined as an integer, the example playbook works as expected. i.e. hex_val: 0x8d #without quotes
But since I am getting the “8d” from an external command, there does not seem to be a way to turn it back into an integer.

You are using a old Jinja, base was added to int in 2.8 that was released in 2015.
Current stable is 2.10.

Thanks for that. I thought I was going crazy. Unfortunately, as much as Red Hat is promoting Ansible, they are using really old back-end support libraries. I did verify your solution with an updated python-jinja2 package.