Jinja template cannot fetch '0.10' value


I have input file that include the following parameter.

internal_network_reverse: 0.10

and a jinja template file that include the following line

zone “{{ internal_network_reverse | default (‘168.192’) }}.in-addr.arpa”

The required output I wish to get is zone “0.10.in-addr.arpa”

Instead, I’m getting this zone “0.1.in-addr.arpa” ; Without the zero

I have tried using string and float but still I’m not getting the required result.

zone “{{ internal_network_reverse | string | default (‘168.192’) }}.in-addr.arpa”

zone “{{ internal_network_reverse | float | default (‘168.192’) }}.in-addr.arpa”

Any suggestions??

*Please note that I don’t want to add “ “ in my input file - this way it is working but I need to avoid the use of “ “

If your input is supposed to be yaml, then the 0.10 value will be interpreted as a float.
If you want it to be a string, you have to quote it (although you don’t want to).

It cannot be two types at the same time