Config Management Camp Gent, February 2014


I'm not sure if this has been posted somewhere else like irc. but I
thought I'd post it here.

Kris Buytaert (From DevOps fame :slight_smile: ) helped organizing a Puppet Camp
last year, and a lot of people asked if it could be broadened with
other configuration management tools

The people of the University of Ghent (venue from last year) have
offered the same set up on February 3 and 4 (just before Fosdem).

Maybe an idea to host an Ansible Fest?

Some info :

I've set up a mailing list
( )
@cfmgtcamp twitter account and also a Github Based for now. (Hint this could use some style help)

The complete mail from Kris :


We definitely want to organize an AnsibleFest in Europe in 2013, though it likely won’t be collocated with a lot of other things as that tends
to make things fight for attention and limit what we can do.

I don’t think some of the previous USENIX CMS worked very well, for instance, because people’s attention were mostly engaged with “their” talks, or in other cases
it got academic/theoretical.

I also don’t really think of us as just configuration management but that’s another story :slight_smile:


I understand that collocating an AnsibleFest with other events doesn't
really make it an AnsibleFest anymore. Other than that, is there any
interest from the community to participate?

As far as I understand, each tool/project would get it's own track (room?).

- Vincent -

For Ansible I already had an understanding with Kris, that we will get a dedicated track/room, normally Kris and I said this would be a large room, but that also depend on the expected turnout
Also not all projects will get a dedicated track/room, but that’s a total different matter.

The main questions at hand are :

  • Will people show up? (obviously specifically for Ansible)
  • Will AnsibleWorks/Michael come?
  • Can we call it an AnsibleFest?

While this would not be a “pure” AnsibleFest, officially it would be called AnsibleFest at ConfigurationManagmentCamp, I think the fact that FOSDEM is the weekend before and there will be other people/project there, makes it a very good opportunity to get more people interested in Ansible and to have an insight on people/projects want.

First off, please don’t use the name “AnsibleFest”, as that just confuses things and makes it sound like an official event.

We are going to do an actual AnsibleFest in Europe in 2014, and it’s very very very likely (almost 100% chance) to be in Belgium (just a good center for most of Europe, and lots of Ansible interest).

Whether I/we attend this Config Management Camp thing is still up for grabs, though my gut feeling is with seeing similar at USENIX, I’m not sure it will be very useful, and it’s better for everyone to just get together directly

without the other distractions.

I’m still thinking about it.

I clearly don’t want to stop anyone from getting together extra times or say no to things happening at this event, of course, but I also wouldn’t want it to detract from AnsibleFest.


Thank you for the clear answer.

So we will just call it Ansible at ConfigMgmtCamp, if that’s ok.

As for the AnsibleFest in Belgium, if you need help, you know where to find me, and/or Vincent.

Absolutely will do! I know how to get to the airport and that is about it :slight_smile:

And yes, totally fine!