Conditionally input to a playbook based on vars_prompt

I have a question, with optional input of A or B in vars_prompt can the command be executed in a playbook task.


  • name: checking the switchshow
  • command: switchdisable
  • command: switchshow

Like with vars_prompt if we select A 1st command need to execute if B second command need to execute

Can this be achieved with Ansible ?

Yes, this can be achievable. You can use when condition.

can we have multiple when conditions in a single task?


  • name: input
    prompt: Please enter the option A,B,C
    private: no
  • name: checking the switchshow
  • command: ipaddr
  • command: ifconfig
  • command: freespace -m
  • command: yum repolist

With the above options input A, B, C specific commands associated with that option need to be executed. All the commands are there in a single task.

  • A - ipaddr
  • B - ifconfig
  • C - freespace -m , yum repolist

can we have multiple when conditions in a single task?

- name: input
   prompt: Please enter the option A,B,C
   private: no
- name: checking the switchshow
    - command: ipaddr
    - command: ifconfig
    - command: freespace -m
    - command: yum repolist

Instead of a list, put the commands into a dictionary. Test with
debug first. For example

      B: ifconfig
      C: freespace -m
      D: yum repolist
    - name: input
      prompt: Please enter the option {{ command_set.keys()|list }}
      private: no
    - debug:
        msg: Command {{ command_set[input] }}
      when: input in command_set.keys()|list

You'll be better off with "Data driven programming" in similar
use-cases. See

Thank you @Vladimir for the solution. I will test this and share you the update. value_command is the module, do we need to add the vars in the module ?

B: ifconfig
C: freespace -m
D: yum repolist


  • name: input
    prompt: Please enter the option {{ command_set.keys()|list }}
    private: no


  • name: checking the switchshow

  • debug:
    msg: Command {{ command_set[input] }}
    when: input in command_set.keys()|list

... value_command is the module, do we need to add the vars in the
module ?

A: ipaddr
B: ifconfig
C: freespace -m
D: yum repolist

It's up to you where you put the variables. Yes, module is one of the
options. Mind the indentation. For example

  - command: "{{ command_set[input] }}"
        B: ifconfig
        C: freespace -m
        D: yum repolist

But, the point here is to manage the control-flow by data. Using the
hard-coded data you get rid of this advantage. See
"Variable precedence: Where should I put a variable?"

Thank you @Vladimir provided solution worked for me. But do we have an option to pass both commands with a single option input like:
D: freespace -m
yum repolist