I find out about this amazing project that is ansible and was wondering one important thing.
I understood that ansible is driven to configuration automation. Is ansible also able to run some command on Cisco device, especially show command and process the output of those command ?
This would be great to have the possibilty to play a playbook with several task as show command and output the result on stdout or file.
Thanks for your help 
Hi Maxime,
Ciscos are problematic to manage because APIs are only starting to develop to some of their hardware with OnePK, so strong modules for Ansible don’t really exist yet.
You can definitely use the “raw” command to some extent I believe, which would be easy to try out, though it’s only using a small piece of Ansible, it may be enough to get what you want.
For basic command running and output it will be able to do that.
Thansks for the anwser.
I will thus create my own module with a list of possible task (parsing show mac-address table,…) to return some json objects.
However I’d like to kown if the output of module’s can be print into a file, I saw a lot of message stating to set debug but only with stdout.
Is that possible ?