Cisco ios_command output command to text file


I’m looking to output a number of commands from Cisco switches which i have a playbook that does this, however, what i would like is the name of the command to be printed in the output above the returned value from the switch.


show version

output from switch

show inventory

output from switch

Hope that makes sense.

This is the copy of the playbook i’m using at the moment.

  • name: capture show output
    hosts: switches
    gather_facts: no
    connection: network_cli


    • name: show commands
      • show inventory

      • show version

      • show vlan

      • show ip interface brief
        register: config

      • name: save output to local directory
        content: “{{ config.stdout | replace(‘\n’, ‘\n’) }}”
        dest: “show-output/{{ inventory_hostname }}.ios”

Any help gratefully appreciated.

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Hey Baily,

If I’m understanding you properly, you’d like to clean up the output from your playbook a bit to make it more digestible by organizing the output from the commands ran against your network to be output to a file and organized in that file so that you know what command produced which specific output.

If so, I had a playbook lying around designed to grab the version running on the IOS devices in my network, and was able to modify it to hopefully be of some help to you:

    - name: show version
        commands: show version
      register: show_version_output

    - name: show inventory
        commands: show inventory
      register: show_inventory_output
    - name: Save output to local directory
        module: lineinfile
        dest: "./ansible/playbook_outputs/show_commands.txt"
        create: yes
        line: "Hostname: {{ inventory_hostname }}\nshow version:{{ show_version_output }}\nshow inventory:{{ show_inventory_output }}\n"

The above play saving the output to a local dir simply creates the dir and the file if it hasn’t already, and then it outputs the text following the “line” argument.

The output of what that looks like is below:

Hostname: SW1
show version:{'changed': False, 'stdout': ['Cisco IOS Software, C2960X Software (C2960X-UNIVERSALK9-M).....
show inventory:{'changed': False, 'stdout': ['NAME: "1", DESCR: "WS-C2960X-24PS-L"\nPID: WS-C2960X-24PS.....

I’ve omitted most of the output for brevity, but you can “\n” new line it out and parse the output to what meets your needs.

Here below is the playbook I drew inspiration from in case it helps:

- name: Get IOS version

  gather_facts: yes
    - name: hosts 
      prompt: "Which group should we run the playbook against?"
      private: no
      default: LAB

    - name: "ansible_user"
      prompt: "Enter your username"
      private: no

    - name: "ansible_password"
      prompt: "Enter your password"
      private: yes

  hosts: "{{hosts}}"


    - name: Save output to local directory
        module: lineinfile
        dest: "./ansible/playbook_outputs/IOS_version_report.txt"
        create: yes
        line: "Hostname:{{ inventory_hostname }}\nPlatform:{{ ansible_facts['net_model'] }}\nIOS Version:{{ ansible_net_version }}\n"

The output of the above playbook looks like this:

IOS Version:15.2(7)E10

IOS Version:17.09.04a

IOS Version:17.06.04