Hi, I have successfully upgraded from 1.2 to 1.3.1. I did this for another computer but it fails. Previously, it can run Ansible 1.2.
This is the error that I got after upgrading to 1.3.1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/bin/ansible-playbook”, line 268, in
File “/usr/local/bin/ansible-playbook”, line 158, in main
File “/usr/local/lib64/python2.6/site-packages/ansible/playbook/init.py”, line 144, in init
if self.inventory.src() is not None:
AttributeError: ‘Inventory’ object has no attribute ‘src’
I downloaded the tar version ansible-1.3.1.tar.gz. i installed in using “sudo python setup.py install”
I am running Suse Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP1 (x86x64)
Linux version (geeko@buildhost) (gcc version 4.3.4 [gcc-4_3-branch revision 152973] (Suse Linux) ) #1 SMP
When i run “sudo python setup.py install”, the first line has this warning:
/usr/lib64/python2.6/distutils/dist.py:266: UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: ‘install_requires’ warning.warn(msg)
The installation proceeds normally after this warning.
I have already installed distribute-0.6.45 on my machine.
You should have a site-packages (or maybe dist-packages?) directory in your python library directory, which should contain the ansible directory. Remove that directory and all of its contents and re-install.