ansible upgrade

Has anyone had issues with their playbooks running after upgrading from 2.13 to 2.14 of ansible? I kept getting run error from my cisco.* playbooks. My linux playbooks worked fine however. I backed out the upgrade and now my cisco.* playbooks work again
Is there a specific upgrade process to follow, such as python3 -m pip install ansible==7.6.0 --user? I ran the typical dnf upgrade -y. Thank you!

The full traceback is:
File “/root/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/ansible/netcommon/plugins/modules/”, line 170, in main
response = connection.get(**module.params)
File “/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ansible/module_utils/”, line 200, in rpc
raise ConnectionError(to_text(msg, errors=‘surrogate_then_replace’), code=code)
fatal: [zzasxxx]: FAILED! => changed=false
answer: null
check_all: false
command: sh running-config
newline: true
prompt: null
sendonly: false
msg: Failed to import the required Python library (ansible-pylibssh) on ho-lx-ansibles Python /usr/bin/python3.11. Please read the module documentation and install it in the appropriate location. If the required library is installed, but Ansible is using the wrong Python interpreter, please consult the documentation on ansible_python_interpreter


From what you posted, it is not clear what the working situation

consists of, and what the 'upgrade' version consists of.
Right now I see a mix of "dnf" which implies an OS provided package,
but you also have one (or more) collection(s) installed in root's home
Your suggestion of adding "pip install --user" to the mix will likely
get you further from home.

I haven't read the official installation docs for a while
but those now seem to suggest that the pip installation method is the
supported way of installing it (which I would agree with).
So ideally you'd remove the OS package(s) and just use the pip method
as per above instructions.