What are the different types of Callback_plugins - notification, stdout, aggregate ? Any more?
And what are the differences?
I am trying to develop a callback_plugin using the json plugin as base. But I would like stdout call back to remain default - skippy. And use my callback plugin as an add on. I added my custom plugin in ansible.cfg whitelist. But it doesn’t call my plugin as it was of type stdout. So I changed it to notification and now it works, but it doesnt work like how it did with stdout. It doesnt retain the data properly between calls. Any advise?
How can I retain default stdout and enable my plugin while having my plugin type to be stdout?
There are no real functional differences between any types of callback plugins. It is more just a convention to describe what they do.
stdout = writes to stdout
notification = sends some sort of notification based on an event
aggregate = summarizes an execution
Really the only difference is that Ansible enforces that only a single stdout callback can be enabled at any 1 time. That is because the stdout plugin controls writing to stdout for output. So you cannot enable more than 1.
Honestly though, there is nothing stopping you from just giving it some other type.
Thank you for the prompt response. I figured out my issue. The member ‘results’ under result was being cleared as there were new callback plugin calls, which was causing issues for me.