Build custom AWX image for production

Hi there! I forked the AWX repo and added support for Bitbucket Cloud webhooks and credentials:

awx-plugins: Added bitbucket_cloud_token to credential plugins by bpmb82 · Pull Request #70 · ansible/awx-plugins · GitHub
ansible-ui: Add bitbucket cloud webhook support by bpmb82 · Pull Request #3076 · ansible/ansible-ui · GitHub
awx: Add support for bitbucket cloud webhook by bpmb82 · Pull Request #15699 · ansible/awx · GitHub

I would like to build a custom image that I can run in production. I ran this command:
make awx-kube-build
and it builds an image but throws errors about a missing django-auth-ldap module when I try to run it. I tried adding this in requirements.txt but it doesn’t appear to work.

I also changed requirements-git.txt to my repos and branches for awx-plugins and exported these 2 environment variables before issueing the make command:

export UI_GIT_REPO=
export UI_GIT_BRANCH=add_bitbucket_cloud_webhook_support

How can I build a production image based upon my changes?