Hi Team,
Iam new to AWX and would like to know how i can achive this :-
Build own images while Installing AWX instead of Dockerhub images ? What changes needs to be done for that ?
AWX version is 14.0.0 .
Please guide me to correct direction.
Hi Team,
Iam new to AWX and would like to know how i can achive this :-
Build own images while Installing AWX instead of Dockerhub images ? What changes needs to be done for that ?
AWX version is 14.0.0 .
Please guide me to correct direction.
I have done this with 15.0.1, but I'd rather not maintain my own fork! I want 'helm' and 'az' (azure cli) binaries on my awx-task containers, so for now I'm building my own images. I think the better solution is to mount extra volumes to a standard image, but I'm not sure how to build the az python tool so that it works with the awx virtualenv, and how to get it in there during a k8s deployment.
Anyway: Clone the awx git repo, then look in installer/roles/image_build/templates/Dockerfile.j2 where you will find the Dockerfile used to build an image. You can edit this. Note there are two build stages. You probably should also update the VERSION file in the base directory, so that it's obviously not a standard build.
If you uncomment the docker_registry_* items in your installer/inventory file, and run "ansible-playbook -i inventory build.yml" instead of install.yml, it will build an image, and push it to your registry instead of docker-hub.
Hi Howard ,
Thanks for quick response on this but few things :-
Hope to hear from you or team on this. Thanks
1. I don't think that matters. That's the whole point of containers. I build on Ubuntu 18.
2. in the base of the git repo.
3. I don't use the ansible playbook to install, I use AWX Operator, but as far as I know, the install playbook will pull from the same place that you specify in the inventory.