/bin/sh: aws: command not found on AWX


Hi Team,

i have a playbook that copy s3 files from one bucket t o another bucket. the playbook is working fine from command promt.

but not from awx, its showing “/bin/sh: aws: command not found”

below is my code.


  • name: V3.8 - Copy files from Ohio Dev to Oregon Dev
    shell: aws s3 cp s3://{{ ohio_source_bucket }} s3://{{ oregon_dest_bucket }} --recursive --acl bucket-owner-full-control

could you please help me wit this.


well, the issue is exactly what is displayed.
Wherever your AWX is running - it doesn’t have the aws cli installed.
I assume your playbook successfully runs on localhost or some other host where aws cli is installed.
If your AWX is running in a container it won’t have the aws cli.

One way to do this would be to have a host somewhere with aws cli installed that your playbook uses to execute the command.


So, can i install the aws cli on awx container, if yes, which container should i use to install the aws cli.

awx_task or awx_web.

wouldn’t recommend doing it the way you laid it out.

Hi Patrick,

really thank you so much for helping me.

i have a host that installed with aws cli. and ip is lets say

but in playbook in the host section how can i provide that IP.

could you please help. on which file we should add that ip and provide alias name to it ?


could you please help me on this.


you can just create a simple inventory.

hostname ansible_host=


If you have this in the repository that you sync with AWX you can simply add the inventory file as a inventory source. (create inventory > add inventory source)

Then you run your play on the ‘aws’ host group.

hope this helps.