Azure-Devops repo - Source control update failed

I am attempting to create a new project using an Azure DevOps repository as the source control URL. I have generated a Personal Access Token (PAT) and created the necessary credentials. However, when I try to sync the project, I encounter an authentication error. I have attached screenshots for reference.

After investigating, I found some Azure DevOps documentation that may be helpful: Azure DevOps Git Authentication Overview.

To clone an Azure repository on a Linux machine, follow these steps:

MY_PAT=yourPAT # replace “yourPAT” with “PatStringFromWebUI”
export HEADER_VALUE=$(echo -n "Authorization: Basic "$(printf “:%s” “$MY_PAT” | base64))

git --config-env=http.extraheader=HEADER_VALUE clone Azure DevOps Services | Sign In

Could someone advise on how to integrate this process to sync an Azure DevOps repository in AWX?

Hi @Rijo_Thomas,

We were previously using Azure DevOps and could not get HTTPS cloning to work with AWX/AAP. We ended up reverting back to SSH cloning with keys under a service account that had read access to the organization. I recall similar issues with it needed the additional headers.

This isn’t to say it’s not possible but we weighed the time to continue to troubleshoot vs just switching to SSH and moving forward.

Best regards,
