I am attempting to create a new project using an Azure DevOps repository as the source control URL. I have generated a Personal Access Token (PAT) and created the necessary credentials. However, when I try to sync the project, I encounter an authentication error. I have attached screenshots for reference.
After investigating, I found some Azure DevOps documentation that may be helpful: Azure DevOps Git Authentication Overview.
To clone an Azure repository on a Linux machine, follow these steps:
MY_PAT=yourPAT # replace “yourPAT” with “PatStringFromWebUI”
export HEADER_VALUE=$(echo -n "Authorization: Basic "$(printf “:%s” “$MY_PAT” | base64))
git --config-env=http.extraheader=HEADER_VALUE clone Azure DevOps Services | Sign In
Could someone advise on how to integrate this process to sync an Azure DevOps repository in AWX?