Cant't connect GitHub repository

I installed AWX via AWX Operator. Versions:

  1. AWX: 19.5.0
  2. AWX Operator: 0.15.0
    After create a GitHub Personal Access Token and set it to AWX credential

On the project setting page, I can’t find the credential created above

On the template setting page, from the credential dropdown list, I can’t find the GitHub Personal Access Token, too.

If create a GitHub SSH Credential from Source Control type, it can be listed in the Select Source Control Credential of project setting page

But when sync source in GitHub got this error:
fatal: unable to access ‘’: OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to

If use the SCM Private Key on localhost to access GitHub repo, it works. But not work in AWX.

22.1. GitHub webhook setup
Connecting Ansible Tower and Github

the git PAT credential types are there only currently to support webhooks.
You need to use source control as the credential type as you’ve found.
But please try putting your PAT in the password field not private key.