AWX vs AAP - Containerized Install, no ability to add instances


No ability to add Instances in the Containerized version of AAP.

Docs show something,

What’s the story here? Seems you need OpenShift

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I do not work for Red Hat, and this is a community forum so please consult with your TAM or submit a support case for technical help with your AAP install.

With that prefaced, I believe you need to add your instances in your inventory file and rerun the installation playbook. See #3.2.4. Or review #1.5 in the containerized installation doc.

Edit: I thought this was in Get Help, but I see now that you were asking about why this is different. The answer is probably that these are technically different deployment methods in the AAP vs AWX examples, and that the preferred method of modifying the instances in the AAP scenario is through the installation method.

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Hi Karl.

I’m a Red Hat Ansible PM who can provide an answer.
Caleb is right. For containerized, you add your new nodes into the installer inventory file and re-run the installation.

The ‘hot add’ type feature was added into the platform for those k8s-based supported deployments specifically so that customers could add an ingress into their on-premise datacenters from a cloud based AAP. This effectively provides a cloud based managed control plane but customer supplied execution plane.

No plans right now that I can tell you about that will change the above, but with AAP 2.5 we now do have a better centralized management point of entry where there is potential to do things more flexibility.
