AWX V5.0.0 and V6.0.0 no job output displayed

Morning all,

The cause of this problem eludes me since I have been using the same playbook process to install AWX since before V4, I have had no blocking problems installing and using AWX .

Since V5.0.0 I have had multiple problems which it looks like is associated with the ActiveMQ password containing special chars. (I have been using same password since V4).

One previous post to this group hinted that failure of job output is linked to special chars in ActiveMQ password. So I changed to Alpha-Numerics only.

That did fix most problems but I still get no job output displayed until the whole job is finished. It feels like it could be websocket related, I use an old version of Chrome but it supports websockets as used in AWX V4.

Any help appreciated. I am assuming everyone else gets output from jobs displayed while job is in progress.



(repost due to too many spelling mistakes , even for me)

After more debug…

I get a “csp-violation” when trying to start the websocket{“csp-report”:{“document-uri”:“http://xxxxxxx/“,“referrer”:”",“violated-directive”:“connect-src”,“effective-directive”:“connect-src”,“original-policy”:"default-src ‘self’; style-src ‘self’ ‘unsafe-inline’; script-src ‘self’ ‘unsafe-inline’; report-uri /csp-violation/”,“disposition”:“enforce”,“blocked-uri”:“ws://xxxxxxx”,“line-number”:29,“column-number”:49889,“source-file”:“http://xxxxxxx/static/js/app.1866c2dbab1b2481b158.js",“status-code”:200,“script-sample”:"”}}

Any Idea whats going on?


This is a bug I introduced with a recent change to AWX:

This change should fix it:

I use Chrome browser and this fixed my job output refresh problem.