AWX: Updating roles on project update/install

I am running AWX inside of some docker containers and can’t get the project_update job to install roles from my requirements.yml file.

. It successfully finds the file, but, for some reason, scm_full_checkout is always set to false.

I modified /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/awx/playbooks/project_update.yml to add this:

  • name: detect requirements.yml

stat: path={{project_path|quote}}/roles/requirements.yml

register: doesRequirementsExist

+ - name: show me stat

+ debug:

+ msg: “{{ doesRequirementsExist }}”


+ - name: show me scm_full_checkout

+ debug:

+ msg: “{{ scm_full_checkout }}”

  • name: fetch galaxy roles from requirements.yml

command: ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml -p {{project_path|quote}}/roles/ --force


chdir: “{{project_path|quote}}/roles”

when: doesRequirementsExist.stat.exists and scm_full_checkout|bool

Which results in the following displayed in the job output (I removed most of the file stats for brevity):

TASK [detect requirements.yml] *************************************************

ok: [localhost]

TASK [show me stat] ************************************************************

ok: [localhost] => {

“msg”: {

“changed”: false,

“failed”: false,

stat”: {

“atime”: 1505851374.0,

“executable”: false,

“exists”: true,

“gid”: 0,

“gr_name”: “root”,

“mode”: “0644”,

“readable”: true,

“writeable”: true




TASK [show me scm_full_checkout] ***********************************************

ok: [localhost] => {

“msg”: false


TASK [fetch galaxy roles from requirements.yml] ********************************

skipping: [localhost]

I’ve tried every option I can find for defining the project and in every case, scm_full_checkout is always false!

Any ideas how I can get this to work?



AWX has a mailing list!forum/awx-project

ahh, thank you. I will look there for answers.