Yes I am able to do post requests on other endpoints, such as " [/api/v2/job_templates/]" for example. When I do it, I get a 201 answer and the associated ressource is created. (Or I get a 400 answer if I did something wrong)
What bothers me here is that any request I make with the API to create a workflow_node seems to be treated as a “get” request, I am not even able to get an error message which indicates me that I am doing something badly.
Curiously, I am able to create a workflow_node through the UI, and it works just fine even if I can’t see any 201 answer in my web console (see the screenshots posted on the github issue, I can duplicate them here if needed)
The browser shows a “201 Created” and the expected result is visible within AWX.
Maybe check, if you supply all required fields to the endpoint. See respective info in the awx.awx collection documentation (for the mentioned endpoint, I guess only identifier and probably unified_job_template are required).
After some deeper investigation, we found out that our AWX instance receives GET requests on some endpoints even if we send POST requests, it seems to come from the ingress controller which redirects wrongly our requests, it is not an issue on AWX end.
Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for the time you spent on my issue.