AWX: Postgres 15 Support & Container Readiness Checks Available!

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to note a couple big features that have landed in devel in the last week or two that are of note and will end up in the next release.

  • AWX now supports Postgres 15 and it is the default version that will be used - PR Link
  • After a long wait, I am happy to announce that the AWX Operator now has readiness and liveliness probes, and the migrations run in a k8s job. - PR Link :clap: dhageman for your hard work on that. I can’t express how happy I am to have those changes in place.

If you use an external instance of postgres, please note that you we recommend you upgrade to PostgreSQL 15.

To enable readiness checks, set task_readiness_period on your AWX spec. This may be enabled by default for AWX deployments in a future release, but for now it is an opt in thing. Please see the docs here for more information on how to configure these readiness and liveliness checks:

Big thanks to @kurokobo @TheRealHaoLiu and @aknochow for some quick feedback and fixes for the PostgreSQL 15 work.

AWX Team


Hi @rooftopcellist, this is great news indeed!

Considering the content I moved the post from News & Announcements to the Project Discussions category (instead of the related Ecosystem Releases), as this looks more like a discussion looking for feedback than an announcement.

Once the release that contains these changes is published I would encourage you to repeat some of this info in that post and we can see if it justifies a mass email notification to all forum members (posts published in News & Announcements) or if we keep it in the Ecosystem Releases category.

Thanks for sharing the upcoming changes!

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Thanks for the help @Leo , I’m still finding my way around the forum a bit :slight_smile:


Agreed, and perhaps even link to this discussion in the release notes, people need to be more aware of this category :slight_smile:

Super happy to see the PSQL15 update, for sure!